The OMV's annual pilgrimage to Lourdes is the biggest and longest standing event of the OMV. The week is very busy, sociable and spiritually profound. As a volunteer, your week will be filled with duties in the St Frai; masses and processions in wonderful places around Lourdes; and getting to know our guests.
There many unique aspects to the OMV’s pilgrimage which make it so special but a particular highlight is Night Prayers, held each evening overlooking the candlelit Grotto where Our Lady Bernadette.
Please find below the basic information you need to know before applying to join us in Lourdes this summer.
Volunteer Requirements:
Training Day:
The OMV Training Day will be held on the 26th of May. Venue TBC.
This day is compulsory for ALL volunteers. There will be no other training day run by the OMV and if you have any questions/concerns do please contact the Lourdes Volunteer Coordinator (Tabitha Owers).
The cost of this year’s pilgrimage is £700.
This price includes flights, travel insurance, food, accommodation and transport within Lourdes.
The OMV offers bursaries to volunteers and please see further information on this below.
The OMV Bursary Scheme is there to help those who would not be otherwise able to.
As a charity, OMV has a limited bursary fund and bursaries are made at the Treasurer’s discretion.
We would strongly advise you to seek other forms of financial support from your family, school, university, parish or workplace before applying for a bursary.
If you would like to apply for a bursary for this activity, please get in touch with the OMV Treasurer at treasurer@omv.org.uk
The OMV has a bursary policy on our website which you can access here for more information: https://www.omv.org.uk/contact/policies/
More information:
For more detailed information about the Lourdes Pilgrimage, please contact Tabitha.
Please note that the majority of communication is through email. Please only sign up to this activity with an email you check regularly and have access to outside of school/university/work. Please also make sure to check your spam emails. It is each volunteer’s responsibility to respond to any communications from the Lourdes Team.